The 40th LL English Lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School starts on Monday, April 7th.
Yoshy is looking forward to your call for an appointment of Trial Lesson. Thank you.
Here are bigger buds of cherry blossoms at Cherry Blossom Avenue and in front of Arai S/H School. The Black-Prancer on the foot of Mt. Myoko has been clearer day by day.

英検メールマガジン Vol.80:Eiken Mail Magazine vol.80 on 2014
Since I’m sure the person who wrote below is one of native “teachers of making questions of Eiken in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. (STEP)”, this kind of essay would be a good example for practicing writing English for both Yoshy and Yoshy’s Blog-readers.
The following is the author’s English and Yoshy’s translation. <*Annotated words or phrases are over the threshold of the 3rd Eiken.>
On a fine spring day last month, my family and I went for a walk and lunch at a local botanical garden. The garden was rather quiet, with fewer visitors than usual; probably because it was a weekday, the *plum blossom season was almost over, and the cherry blossom season was yet to begin.
Walking around the garden in the morning sun, I realized that it was the best time to view *camellias. There were *a wide variety of camellia trees there.
<camellia:椿(つばき)> <a variety of~:様々な~>
I wondered how I could find the words to *describe the beauty of camellia blossoms, with their *vast *array of colors and shapes. I especially liked the *large-petaled pink and *off-white ones; they were just gorgeous, *luscious, and absolutely *breathtaking.
<describe~:~を描写する> <vast:広大な> <array:勢ぞろい、配列>
<large-petaled pink:大きな花弁のピンク色> <off-white~:わずかに黄色がかった白の~>
<luscious~:香りが良い、甘美な、官能的な~> <breathtaking~:あっと言わせるような~>
We were able to see lots of other flowers in the garden, too. Some plum trees were still in bloom. Early flowering cherry blossoms were also in bloom. Yellow *daffodils, fukujuso, white and purple Christmas roses and pink katakuri were also *at their peak. Maybe we will *pay another visit to the garden soon for cherry blossom viewing.
<daffodil:ラッパスイセン、水仙> <at one’s peak:最高潮で> <pay a visit to~:~を訪問する>
Best regards,
Eiken Mail Magazine Editor
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