M-PEC 2011年度・事業報告
M-PEC Activity-report in the year of 2011
Thanks to you, Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) started in the year of 2007 will be 6 years old next month.
The idea of M-PEC is “to make good friends through merrily learning practical English”; which was evolved out of the idea of LL Shihoya Arai School, “to build up powerful and vivid children through learning practical English”.
In all times and countries, carrying out one’s fair argument is commonly seen to be disgusted.
Both activities of M-PEC and LL Shihoya Arai School are able to be continued by just deep reliance of the members and the parents. Yoshy thanks them very much.
Here “Activity-report of M-PEC” is opened to the public in advance. It is going to be handed in to the members on Saturday, April 14th, when “Monthly Lesson + General Meeting” is to be held.
We got into swing with 3 games at YEA in March
Men and women of all ages can enjoy good English games, indeed!
As even the instructor, Yoshy also got into swing together, I forgot taking pictures of this YEA: (Yoshy‘s English Activity).
In spite of these days of exhaustion of removing snow, Yoshy really thanks the attendance of 7!
“Phonics by Video” was used in order to have them understand the relationship between “pronunciation” and “spelling” before games written below, which was just a warming-up game on TV.
Then, we enjoyed the game related to the above by using “the picture cards of PA in LL Shihoya Arai School”.
Yoshy had them also understand that if we could find a mass of “subject” and “verb”, our pronunciation would be better, too.
In the “Tea-time with R’s handmade cakes”, we decided “the new interesting plans of the year of 2012”; Mr. Chairperson, Hosaka is going to send by e-mail to the members soon.
■2月11日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm LLシホヤ新井教室で、月例「M-PEC講座:YEA (Yoshy‘s English Activity)」を開催しました。除雪で疲労困憊の中、3名のご出席、嬉しかったです。
The M-PEC monthly lesson: YEA on February 11th was on schedule held in such terrible and heavy snow-falling from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School. Three members joined there; thanks and Yoshy was very happy!
■メインは、「伊呂波歌留多で、英作文カードゲーム」でした。英文構造の要素である「主語」、「動詞」、「目的語」、「補語」の4つの「塊:かたまり」をカードで組み立てるゲームでした。これらの4要素の正しい並び方が、正しい英文と、良い発音には、必須です。「保坂会長vs. 2名の女性会員」対抗で盛り上がりました。
The main activity was “The Game of Making Poems of Iroha-Karuta by Using Word or Phrase Cards”, whose theme was to find or distinguish the element of a sentence: “Subject”, “Verb”, “Object” and “Complement”. The correct order of these 4 elements is inevitably necessary for making a sentence and good pronunciation. This game was competed by two teams: Mr. Chairperson, Hosaka vs. two lady-members, which got into swing very much.
■その前に、ルイ・アームストロングの名曲:「What a Wonderful World」を歌って、「英文構造の塊」の発見が良い発音にいかに大切かを実感しました。
Before that, we enjoyed singing “What a Wonderful World!” that’s one of Mr. Louis Armstrong’s famous songs, which had us understand how important to find “each mass of the structure of English sentences” is for making our pronunciation much better.
By chance, “St, Valentine’s Day” is coming very soon; so we enjoyed making “Heart-shaped Cards.” We also use Yoshy’s old typewriter; the three members typed a part of their messages on it. Though they can’t mistype at all, which made them very nervous; that work was very interesting and fun!
■8:30-9:00 pm での恒例のティータイムでは、4月からの2012年度活動(案)を中心に話し合いました。近々に、保坂会長から会員宛てにメールで「今回の報告」の中で紹介される予定です。
In the customary tea-time from 8:30 to 9:00, we mainly talked about the rough plan of our activities through the year of 2012. Mr. Hosaka, chairperson is going to send the rough plan and his report of this YEA to all the members in a few days.
Yoshy has lots of things: “What Yoshy thinks of M-PEC for five years” … One of the most biggest impressions is that … a hidden purpose might have been “to do away with something conventional: strong feeling of resistance to try using our own English to others” and we should continue to do away with it from now on;, which is also Yoshy’s challenge! Yoshy hopes you to follow this suggestion like the students of LL Shihoya Arai School!!!
Coincidently, Yoshy watched a part of TV program on Sunday, February 12th, “Some foreigners’ impressions to Japanese attitude during using English in front of foreigners in the Raku-Ten Co.LTD which had decided all the employees had to use English in the company.” – What Yoshy was moved by most strongly was “Most Japanese are shy; they need to directly and clearly say what they want to do much more.”
Yoshy feel keenly this point through these five years of M-PEC activities. I.e., “I’d like to talk with someone in English, but I do not be humiliated with my wrong expressions or poor pronunciations!” ;which seems to be hanging out in many members’ minds, doesn’t it? As long as we adults would not change our attitude, our children’s would not do! Yoshy hopes we M-PEC members to continue breaking down “one of Japanese typical ‘Culture of a Shame’”
■2011年度の「記録+感想」は、You can see “The record and Yoshy’s impressions” : http://www.shihoya.com/m-pec-myoko-powerful-english-club/m-pec-2011/?logout=1
In quite a heavy snow falling, thank you VERY much for your attendance to YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) a monthly lesson of M-PEC. It was held on Saturday, January 14th.
■映画「ボディーガード」の主題歌、”I Have Nothing” の翻訳コンテストが中心でした。優勝は保坂会長でした。
The theme song: “I Have Nothing” in the movie: “The Bodyguard” was used at “the contest of translation”. The champion was Mr. Chairperson, Hosaka; congratulations!
We could enjoy checking the place of the song in the entire story of the movie, too. Mr. Chairperson’s impression, “His hopes in the year of 2012” and “the plan of New Year’s Party” are going to be sent to our members soon; look forward to, please.
「見えないものを見る心」lectured by 平田真義先生
■12月10日(土)、7:00~8:30 pm 、M-PEC月例講座でした。講師は、「戦争資料を通じて命を見つめる活動」を全国各地で展開中の、平田真義先生でした。M-PEC設立時の2007年度以来、ずっとM-PEC会員でいらっしゃいます。講演依頼が殺到している中、又、文字通り「師走」(僧侶が走り回る)の渦中、ご来校いただきましたこと、深くお礼申しあげます。
A monthly lesson of December was held on Saturday, 10th in LL Shihoya Arai School from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The lecturer was Mr. Shingi Hirata who has been visiting many places in order to tell “the importance of life by introducing his collection of war-materials”. He has been a member of M-PEC since its foundation year, 2007. While he has been given rush of requests of his talk and despite in December: Shiwasu which means all monks are running around, he was kind enough to be a lecturer today; we deeply thank you very much.
The subject of his speech was “The Mind which Could See Something Invisible” and the subtitle was “How to Live with Rich Spirit”.
■いずれ、www.shihoya.com ⇒「Yoshy’s 素敵な先生たち」⇒「平田真義先生の世界」http://www.shihoya.com/yoshy-s-%E3%81%99%E3%81%A6%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AA%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A1/%E5%B9%B3%E7%94%B0%E7%9C%9F%E7%BE%A9%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C/?logout=1
As it’s already after midnight, I can’t help writing only in Japanese, excuse me.
M-PEC Festivalでの英語劇「はね馬」練習に燃えています!
■10月8日(土)7:00-9:00 pmの「はね馬練習」、ほぼ全員そろって充実できました。「発声法」+「台詞に感情をこめた身振り」に重点を置いて、歌の合唱も含め、楽しくレベルアップできています。
The cast of English Drama “Hane-Uma: Prancer” almost joined the practice at LL Shihoya Arai School from 7:00 to 9:00 pm on Saturday, October 8th. Yoshy put emphasis on “vocalization” + “the gesture harmonized with their lines”. Including singing all the songs, all of us could have a merry time, improving our command of performing more than before.
■「5周年 M-PEC Festival」の11月20日(日)には、たくさんの市民の皆様が勤研センターへ来て下さいますよう!開始は2:00、終了は4:30の予定です。
We hope many people will attend “The 5th Anniversary M-PEC Festival” at Kin-Ken Center on Sunday, November 20th. It starts at 2:00 pm and is going to end 4:30. Thank you!
■フェスティバルご案内は、You can see the information of “The 5th M-PEC Festival” if you click:http://www.shihoya.com/m-pec-myoko-powerful-english-club-%E5%8B%9F%E9%9B%86%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%83%95-%E4%BC%9A%E5%89%87-%E5%B9%B4%E5%BA%A6%E5%88%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%B2festival/m-pec-fes-2011/
M-PEC 香原ちさと顧問の特別講座ご報告:Yoshy’s Report of “Adviser, Ms. Kohara’s Special Lesson”
We had a long day of Saturday, September 10th, when we did “making tools for Hane-Uma”, “Special Lesson” and “Welcome-party”. Thanks to her, we could merrily learn valuable teaching. Thanks a lot, Ms. Kohara! You came here all the way from Tokyo.
■配役は、個別に発音を治していただいたり褒められたり、学校時代を思い出したのでは?「子音で終わる単語の場合、最後の音に母音をつけないこと」:e.g. Sing a song! 軽い「グ」であり、「グゥ」にならないように。sing で、「シング」ではなく、「スィング」。…11月20日(日)の Festivalでは、お客様から500円を頂くわけですので、昨年以上の「聴きごたえ、見ごたえ」のある「はね馬」にしましょう!
All the cast were checked his/her pronunciations or praised… I bet you had remembered your days of public students, didn’t you? “In case of the word whose last sound ends with consonants, you shouldn’t add vowels”: e.g. Sing a song!, etc. Because the adult-customers pay the entrance fee, 500 ye, let’s make bigger efforts to have them enjoy “listening to and watching our drama”, “Hane-Uma: Prancer”, shall we?
■また、参加の16名全員で全場面の歌を歌い教室が揺れ動くようでした。クイズやゲームも面白かったですね。What has only a head and a tail? (頭と尻尾だけのものは?) - Coin. (コイン投げの時、Head or tail? と言うから) 近くの人とペアを組んで、What is your greatest fear? (一番恐いものは?) - Give me some compliments. (私を褒めて):にぎやかな笑いに包まれました。
In addition, all the attendance sang a song in every scene such a loud voice that LL English room seemed trembling. We could also enjoy some quizzes and games, e.g. what has only a head and a tail? – Coin. (Because, when they toss a coin, they usually say, “Head or coin?” Making pairs, one says, “What is your greatest fear?” – “My wife!” – “Really? That’s too bad.” – “Give me some compliments.” – “You’re handsome, tall and smart gentleman.” – “Thanks!”
The next day, Sunday, 11th, Yoshy and his wife drove her to Akakura and Ike-no-taira. We enjoyed the beautiful sceneries there.
8月20日(土)M-PEC月例講座報告と、今後のご案内 <今回は和文のみ>
非会員の方も、11月20日(日)の「M-PEC5周年 Festival」にご参画下さいますようお待ち申し上げます。お問い合わせは、文中の保坂会長、又は遠藤代表へお気軽に!
■当日:11月20日(日)のFestival 会場を、当初予定していた「コミセン」から、使い勝手の良い「勤研センター」に変更しました。8月18日(金)、教委から「飲食」許可を得ることができたからです。同時に「後援承認書」も受理できました。
■9月10日(土)、6:00-7:30は、東京から香原ちさと顧問 (リンク先に先生のサイトがございます)をお迎えしての「はね馬演技指導, 英語ゲーム、等の楽しい講座」です。英語力アップの、貴重なこの講座に多くの皆様のご参加をお待ち申し上げます。詳細パンフは、志保屋書店店内にございます。資料代(会員、非会員)1,000円。資料準備のため、9月7日(水)までに保坂まで、お電話、メール等でお知らせ下さい。⇒ 保坂 太 (電話:090-5419-7199 Mail:foshim10@yahoo.co.jp )
Updates by Pix.
Best Wishes for Your Health in this Hot Season!
The big disaster on March 11, Leaking radioactivity, Typhoon, Fierce heat… We have had such extraordinary things these days. How are you getting along?
■保坂 太会長、会員様のお陰で、5周年目に入ってから、毎月の講座(毎月第2(土) 7:00-8:30 at LLシホヤ新井教室)へのご出席者数が10名前後になっています。
Thanks to the chairperson, Mr. Futoshi Hosaka and all the members of M-PEC, The number of attendees to the monthly M-PEC Lessons (Yoshy’s English Activities) has been increasing; around 10 since the beginning of 2011, the 5th anniversary. YEA is held from 7:00 to 8:30 pm on the 2nd Saturday every month.
Thanks to you, the next events are looking forward to your joining.
M-PEC is going to invite an adviser: Ms. Chisato Kohara in YEA on Saturday, September 10th. The activities are “Teaching pronunciation of the English Drama, Prancer”, “English Games everyone can enjoy”, and so on. Please join there not only the member but also non-members who have been absent for a long time.
★11月20日(日):「M-PEC Festival 5周年」英語劇は、#3「はね馬」- 妙高市の文化を英語で学んでゆきます。
“The 5th Anniversary of M-PEC Festival” is going to be held on Sunday, November 20th, in which #3 “Prancer” is going to be performed. – We’re learning the culture of Myoko City in there.
M-PEC 代表:遠藤由明
President of M-PEC: Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
Tel:0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760 shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp
追伸 ◎次回M-PEC講座は、お盆のため、8月20日(土)7:00-8:30 at LLシホヤ新井教室です。
PS Next YEA is to be held on Saturday, August 20th; August 13th is closed because the day is O-bon, the festival of the Dead.
M-PEC7月講座の感想:Yoshy’s impression of YEA of M-PEC in July
The decorated Bamboo Tree of Star Festival is standing at the store front of Shihoya Book Store until the end of this week. Yoshy appreciates if you would see it.
We learned the translation of the song: “Scarborough Fair” and enjoyed singing it. After that, we practiced saying aloud being strongly conscious of each role. Ms. O whose role is “Mom”, we’re crossing our fingers so that you could getting better early!
■次回講座は、8月20日(土) 7:00-8:30 pm です。(8/13:お盆休み)
M-PEC 6月定例講座の感想:Yoshy’s Impression of YEA, M-PEC in June
★6月11日(土)の講座は9名の参加でした。Y様のご紹介で体験されたO様もすっかり楽しんで下さり、「はね馬」では、「おかあ」役を引き受けて下さり、一同大喜びしました。The monthly YEA in June had 9 attendees on Saturday, 11th. A visitor, Ms. O who was introduced by Ms. Y also had a good time and she decided to be a member of M-PEC and be “Mother”: the role of “Prancer” (English Play), which made us very glad!
★講座では、「はね馬」の第1回練習と、「紙芝居:天の川にかかる橋」の英訳をみんなで考えました。その直後、「英語での短冊」を作りました。7月中旬まで教室の下に飾ります。The main themes of YEA were… No. 1- Practice of “Prancer”, thinking the translation of a Paper-Show, “The Bridge Over The Milky Way” and “Making Fancy Strips for Tanabata Festival” Tanabata Tree is going to be shown under the Room of LL English School until the middle of July.
★さらに、顧問の香原ちさと先生が9月10日(土)の講座に東京から出張講座をして下さる旨のメールがYoshyに届きましたので、その英文メールを嬉しく学びました。Furthermore, very fortunately, Ms. Chisato Kohara who is one of the advisors of M-PEC e-mailed Yoshy that she would come here to be the special instructor on Saturday, September 10th!!! Those exchanging e-mails between hers and Yoshy’s reply were used as a studying material with great joy!
★「時事英語」は、UPIからの「菅 直人首相の動向記事」を学びました。Tea Timeでは、香原先生の最新著作「小4までに覚えたい英単語」(998円)を紹介いたしました。Y様手作りのケーキにM様手作りのアップルゼリーをつけていただきました。 “Updates of PM Kan” from UPI was learned at “Studying Current English” After the lsoon, we enjoyed Tea-Time, where Ms. Kohara's Book recently published was introduced by Yoshy. A big loaf of handmade cake made by Ms. Y and also hand made "Apple Jelly" by Ms. M were served with tea. Thanks, Ms. Y and Ms. M!!! 今後もより大勢で練習して11月20日(日)の#5フェスティバルを迎えられますよう、次回の7月9日(土)の講座に友人を勧誘して下さいますようお願いいたします。非会員の体験講座は、初回無料です。
★BLOG:http://pub.ne.jp/MPEC/ ★「M-PECご案内詳細」は、http://www.shihoya.com/m-pec-myoko-powerful-english-club-%E5%8B%9F%E9%9B%86%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%83%95-%E4%BC%9A%E5%89%87-%E5%B9%B4%E5%BA%A6%E5%88%A5%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%B2/★お問い合わせは、M-PEC会長:保坂 太 (電話:090-5419-7199 Mail:foshim10@yahoo.co.jp ) or 代表:遠藤由明 (電話:72-2025 Mail:shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp ) へ:お待ちしています。Call or email to the Chair person, Mr. Futoshi Hosaka or Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
M-PEC 5月定例講座の感想:Yoshy’s Impression of YEA, M-PEC in May
★写真は、講座終了直後、ティータイムの直前の一こまです。会員への報告は、保坂会長が近々にメールで。The picture shows you a shot between YEA and Tea Time. This report to M-PEC members will be emailed by the chair person, Mr. Hosaka in a couple of days.
★5月14日(土)の講座は11名の参加でとても活気がありました。Today, May 14th, the monthly Yoshy’s English Activity (YEA) of M-PEC was full of more vigor than usual.
★講座では、「時事英語」を中心に、定番の「とっさの一言」と「英検5級会話:時間・場所の表現」を全員参加で考えながら学習しました。Yoshyの質問に答える人が多く、全員が黒板を見ながらメモも取っておられ、感動いたしました。Yoshy put “Introducing the current affairs” in CNN, Reuters, etc as the main theme including the other usual ones: “Prompt Usages” and “Expressions of Eiken 5th grade” (about Time and Places) in YEA. Yoshy was moved by attendants’ big eagerness that many tried to answer Yoshy’s Qs and all of them were making notes looking at the blackboard.
★今回初めて取り上げた「時事英語」は、CNN, Reuters等の記事に出てくる世界が見る「福島第一原発被害」や俳優の渡邊 謙さんの「世界の著名人からの日本への励まし」を実感しながら学習できました。By Mr. yasu’s suggestion last time, Yoshy introduced “the current affairs in foreign NEWS”, CNN, Reuters, etc, in which we could learn specific words, usages and messages with deep interest such as “the unfolding damage of crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station” and “Many Encouraging Messages to Japanese from Celebrities in the world that has been organized by an actor, Mr. Ken Watanabe.”
★5周年の「Festival」は、文化ホール・コミセンで、11月20日(日)の予定です。6月11日(土)講座から、3回目の「英語劇:はね馬」の練習を楽しく開始いたします。The 5th anniversary of M-PEC Festival is going to be held at Community Center in Myoko Culture Hall on Sunday, November 20th. From next YEA, June 11th, we’re going to start merrily practicing the English Play, “Hane-Uma: Prancer.”
★最低人数の配役予定者が決まりましたが、「おかあ」が未定です。今後はより大勢で練習して本番を迎えられるように、次回の6月11日(土)の講座にお気軽にご参加ください。非会員の体験講座は、初回無料です。The minimum casts were temporally decided this time, but only role, “Mother” hasn’t decided yet. In order to show this Play with much more casts, we’re looking forward to seeing YOU next YEA on Saturday, June 11th. Relax to join us, please! Non-members’ fee need not pay for the first time.
★お問い合わせは、M-PEC会長:保坂 太 = 電話:090-5419-7199 Mail: foshim10@yahoo.co.jp or 代表:遠藤由明 (電話:72-2025 Mail:shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp へ:お待ちしています。Call or email to the Chair person, Mr. Futoshi Hosaka or Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
M-PEC 3月12日(土)講座ご報告
■YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) this time was held just after the 11th (Fri), when huge and awful Earthquake (Magnitude 9.0) occurred and its tidal wave, Tsunami attached Sanriku Coast around 2:45 pm.
■この災害直後にもかかわらず、10名が出席して下さいました。出席予定だった2名の公務員と新聞社の代表、計3名が来れず残念でした。In spite of such a hard situation, 9 members and 1 visitor + Mikiko-san’s Carin, the late Mr. Yamai’s eye-dog. Of course Yoshy and Reiko’s pet dog, Erie. 2 public servants and the president of Yomiuri-Joetsu had no choice but to be absent. I take it for granted this!
■Telling the truth, one of the 3 is going to move from Myoko City in next month, so I was getting ready for a piece of Shiki-shi, a square piece of fancy paper for writing short message to him. 公務員のお一人、I. 正史さんが4月に移動されますので、色紙(しきし)を用意していました。講座終了後のTea-Time で、短いメッセージを色紙に書きました。近々、Yoshy’s wife, Reiko is going to send it to him. We wish he would be happy!
■≪講座内容≫ ①「折り紙でEaster Bunnyづくり」②「くりあ英検5級#2」: “~ing”, “can~”の実用会話 ③「NHK とっさの一言」: “Aisle No.3, please” (3番通路ですよ)… ‘aisle’は、スーパーマーケット、劇場、教室等の、仕切られた「通路」。■次回の4月9日(土)は、総会を兼ねたYEAです。Look forward it, please!
■2月12日(土)は、2007年4月から始めて、49回目の講座です。今回から、「英検5,4級レベル・クイズコーナー」を加えました。教材は、「くりあ5級・4級」 ((財)日本英語検定協会)を使用しています。出席会員様が不定ですので、Oral, Aural and Writing 形式で、自由にメモを取っていただいています。■今回は、そのほかに、「節分の紙芝居」: "Ogres and the Farmer" の英語表現を発見したり、定番の「とっさの一言」 (NHK DVD) を2レッスン、楽しみました。■その後、Tea Timeで、Enjoyed Chatting Together! いつもは、7:00 - 8:30 pm なのですが、話が盛り上がって、9:15 頃まで Tea Timeを楽しみました。
■次回は、3月12日(土)です。毎月第2(土) 7:00-8:30 at LLシホヤ新井教室…お友達を御誘いの上、See you again!
■11月14日(日) "#4 M-PEC Festival" で披露する英語劇:「はね馬」の練習中心のYEA: 10月9日(土) 7:00-9:00 pm:に、Mrs. Roberta Rees visited us, which was a big surprise! ■10月10日(日)の、新井聖書教会(早津 栄牧師)の「50周年記念式典」に合わせて、M-PEC会員:山井幹子さん宅にお泊り…幹子さんのアイデアで、出席会員をびっくり+励まそうとご来室!■Rees Familyは、1970年代~約20年以上、当地、新井に在住され、LL シホヤ新井教室の Xmas Party, Summer Camp...etc. ご家族に何度もご参加いただきました。Yoshy自身、英会話の自修のため、その間、お話し相手になってくださいました。■ご主人のWilliam (Bill) さんと、なんと9人のお子様を立派にお育てになられました。お子様は… Richard (42歳), Dian, RuthAnn, RoseAnn, JoAnn, LeAnn, Anthony, Annette (12歳), Andrew。■Richard君は、10歳頃、よくYoshyの家に遊びに来ていました。今は、奥様のWendyさんと、Thailandの Kanchana Buri で布教活動をしておられます。4人のお子さんがおられます。毎月のように私にメール:"Rees Review" を送信してくださいます。今後の LL + M-PEC-YEA での英語教材になりそうな素晴らしい内容ばかりです。USAで医師(産婦人科)になられたDianさんなども含めて…いずれ、写真入りでご紹介させていただくつもりです。■Dear Roberta, again thanks a lot for visiting us!
■ M-PEC講座は、「毎月第2(土) 夜7:00 - 9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室」です。詳細はリンクの「M-PEC ブログ」をクリックしてくださいませ。
■ ご入会パンフは、勤研センター、(有)志保屋書店に常設しています。